Project Description
Q: How do I know if I need a knee replacement?
A: If you have chronic knee pain that restricts regular activities, chronic stiffness of the knee, constant knee instability, or a severe deformity of the knee, then you are likely a good candidate for a total knee replacement. As always, it is best to discuss possible treatments with your physician.
Q: How long does the procedure take?
A: Your doctor will discuss with you all of the details regarding your surgery including how long the procedure is expected to take. Most knee replacement surgeries take approximately two and a half hours. Some of this time is taken by the operating room staff to prepare for surgery.
Q: How long will I be in the hospital?
A: In most cases, knee replacement patients are discharged from two to five days. If you need more time for rehabilitation, other options might be available.
Q: When will I be “me” again?
A: You should be able to stand and walk with assistance soon after surgery. Physical therapy will begin as soon as you feel ready, generally one to two days after surgery. You should expect six weeks or more of physical therapy before you can completely resume your normal activities. In general, however, you should be able to partake in certain low-impact activities within a few weeks. This will depend on multiple factors, including your health, the type of surgery and your recovery. Typically surgeons discourage patients from any high impact activities such as running and other strenuous sports. Complete recovery usually takes several months.
Q: How much pain relief or increased mobility should I expect?
A: You should experience significant reduction in pain and improved mobility after knee replacement surgery. Many factors, including physical condition, weight, activity level, personal anatomy and willingness to comply with your surgeon’s instructions prior to and after surgery will play an important role in your recovery.
Q. Will my recovery from surgery be painful?
A. As with most surgeries you should expect considerable amounts of tenderness on the repaired area. Pain medication will be given to you during the hospital stay and the pain should decrease over several weeks.
Q: Is there a maximum age limit for knee replacement surgery?
A: Consult your physician about your general health and your ability to withstand surgery. In general age is not a factor for knee replacement surgery if you are in reasonably good health and you have the desire to continue pursuing an active and productive life.